Well I did it...joined the ranks of the not-so-rich-or-famous at YouTube.com, where I can view and share free streaming video. What a great site! Those ready to fly on over to check it out should be forewarned, though...watching the clever, shocking, and hilarious footage there can quickly become addicting.
My favorite YouTube selection is the Clerks-genre ripoff, "Chad Vader." Well, that's not entirely true. My FAVORITE selection is the awesome, sultry, and stylishly short trailer for VISIONS (if I do say so myself). Another recommended short: G4TV's Star Trek Karaoke spoof.
If you're a reader, there are plenty of book trailers aside from mine on YouTube. Pop "book trailers" into the search box and you'll find enough streaming fiction to keep you entertained for some time. And if you check out my trailer, drop me a comment (and rating) there and let me know!
Do YOUTube? I'd love to hear about your favorite video--or the one you made yourself. Post it in comments and I'll take a look.
So start Tubing...and have fun!
Lisa.... Writing in My Wildest Dreams at http://lisalogan.net
**Pssst...mention BLOGGER When preordering VISIONS at lisalogan.net and get 10% off your purchase!**
2 days ago
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