Monday, August 03, 2009

Mystery Date Monday: Seeking Guest Dates!

Photo courtesy "Bixo" from Stock Xchg
Every Monday I have been introducing a character from one of my romantic or erotic fiction novels. Now I'd like to open this up to other authors as well! Send me a request, along with the info below, to me at I'll feature YOUR character on a Mystery Date Monday! I do prefer romance or erotic titles, please, though mixed genre is fine. (i.e. romantic mystery, sci-fi, or paranormal)

What To Send:

Your info: Your name, brief bio, and website or blog address.

Who: What the character's name is and what they do for a living, or "who" they are as a person.

What Book They're In: The title and genre of the work.

Where They Live:
The location, fictional or real, of your character's setting

Why They Are So Fascinating: Give me a quick paragraph explaining what the character's driving factors are in your book, or something unique about their personality.

A Memorable Moment with Your Character:Provide an intriguing excerpt/scene featuring your character.

When Your Character is Available: Whether this is a current or upcoming release. (No work in progress please)

How You Can Get Their Story: Sales links for purchase.

I'm looking forward to meeting some of your characters for a Mystery Date!