Friday, May 15, 2009

Feng Shui Friday: Positioning

Octagon graphic, Bartett Designs
Every week I take a break from romance/erotic fiction writing and explore simple tricks to bring positive energy to YOUR writing...and life!

We've just completed an introduction to the nine zones of a house as defined by Feng Shui. Before we go on, I feel I should mention that there are different methods to defining these zones, and the way used in this series is a simplified, modern version of traditional feng shui practice. For those interested in the standard approach, I wanted to talk about it a bit today.

Feng Shui Compass Positioning Method

The bagua octagon shown at the top of every Feng Shui Friday post is used to find the locations of each feng shui zone in your home. But the traditional way is to use an actual compass, or Lo-Pan, on an individual lot in order to identify precise geographic direction. Thus, the Fame area may not fall along the rear wall of every home in this method.

There are those who believe feng shui cannot be practiced properly without the use of a compass--which is true IF you are using the traditional direction method. You might think your front door faces true south, but it may actually be south east or even west. Checking with a compass may surprise you.

To make things even more confusing, you'll note the compass looks pretty complicated. That's because a traditional feng shui compass also utilizes astrological calculations in determining specific orientation and positioning. Many feel this is not necessary, but that any compass--provided it is accurate--can be used along with the ba gua shown below in order to identify a lot's feng shui zones.

Relative or Doorway Positioning Method

Many practitioners are turning to a simpler method of determining zones without the use of the compass. This is done by considering the "mouth of chi"--the front door to a home or space--as the commanding position of any space. Thus, the ba gua can simply be oriented with the career zone (north) along the front door, and the rest falls into place. This is the method I use in my series.

Okay, So Which One WORKS?

Oddly enough, both! It would seem that if guesswork to determine north doesn't work, and a compass like the one above was vital to finding zones, the Doorway approach would be wholly ineffective. Yet, it is a proven valid method. How?

Let's think about it for a minute. The front door represents the commanding position of a home, just as north functions as the commanding position on a compass. By simply aligning these two planes physically and mentally, we can achieve similar results without the need for specific calculations. The doorway method makes feng shui practical and simple for anyone without a compass--and allows for the practice of what I call micro or mirrored feng shui--boosting your results by layering cures room by room, or even to a desktop or single surface in a room. We'll be talking about micro-feng shui later in the series.

So if you're interested in the more traditional, old school method of feng shui, grab a compass, print out the color wheel above and take a look. Whichever method you choose--but especially with the Relative Positioning method--be sure to involve your intention for these cures to work in your life. In the end, the magic of our own will is a great antenna for power boosting positive results!

Romance writer duties call!! I hope you've enjoyed Feng Shui Friday. Have a feng shui tip or dilemma to share? Please post in the comments! Until next time, may you find the magic within that brings good chi your way!


Helen Ginger said...

Is there anything you don't know? Wow. I've been impressed by this series that you're doing -- and the dream interpretation one.

Straight From Hel

Lisa Logan said...

Hey great idea! I could do a MUCH longer and more involved series on all the stuff I don't know!! ;)

Thanks for coming by. I always look forward to your comments.